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AGU Technical Committee on Large Scale Field Experimentation

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Description of the Committee

For now I am putting here the perspective and Agenda as per our last meeting

Perspective: Since the Kansas experiments in micrometeorology in the late 1960's that shaped the fundamentals of Micrometeorology (e.g. confirmed Monin-Obukhov scaling among others), there have been a number of Large-Scale Field Experiments in the 1980s-2000s: HAPEX-MOBILHY, HAPEX-Sahel, FIFE, BOREAS, LBA, SALSA, etc.... that have looked at diverse scaling problems, and mass/energy exchange across various ecosystems and climates. The climate range is from the Boreal zone to the Tropics to the Arid Systems in Africa. Vegetation composition and classes of land-surface heterogeneities are also well represented. Other on-going 'long-term' monitoring initiatives are exponentially proliferating under “FluxNet” initiatives - which are inviting novel upscaling in both space and time not previously considered.

Tentative Agenda

  1. Introduction of committee members

  2. Co-sponsored sessions at this meeting: Calibration and Validation of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Parameters Through Field Experiments: Past, Present, and Future. Thursday morning poster session H41D (MC Hall D at 0800 h); Friday afternoon oral session H54A (MC 2004 at 1600 h).

  3. What is (spatial, temporal, number of PIs, number of instrument platforms) definition of “Large-Scale”? Do we want to retain this title? - Bill Kustas

  4. Update on on-going or currently planned large-scale experiments: For example, winding down of North American Monsoon Experiment and what is emerging with the Intra- America Seas Climate Process Study (IASCLiP) – Dave Gochis. Others?

  5. The time is ripe to have a first synthesis of what we have learned from these experiments - at least with a lens on the so-called “common” problems to be fleshed out at this meeting, which will form the basis for a sequence of special sessions at following AGU meetings – Gabriel Katul

  6. Long-term "product goal" of these meetings and sessions in the coming two years: review/synthesis paper to be submitted to Reviews in Geophysics, or possibly a Chapman Conference. We will contact the editors of Reviews in Geophysics after this meeting to assess whether there is ample excitement/interest - and perhaps even stimulate an invitation from them.

  7. Web portal for this TC on AGU Hydrology web page – see Cryosphere Focus Group site as an example ( Link to large-scale experiment web sites, past and present.

  8. Rotation of TC leadership

  9. Co-sponsored sessions for AGU Toronto meeting. Next TC meeting and goals / timetable / responsibilities.


A nice picture or rotating pictures like I have on

last update on: November 11, 2010 20:25

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